Monday, December 27, 2010

The grace of the season

the Grace of the season is wonderful!
Except for all the food! Leaving food littered on your plate is just bad taste! It makes it look like you dislike the food the host has given you. Here is a little tip my lovelies:

take a little bit the first time, then go back and get more! That way if you don't like something you don't have to eat more of it.
the exception being when someone serves you....which is not something they should be doing anyways! How awkward would that have a mountain of aspic! What if the guest hates aspic and is to shy to say anything? YUCK!

if anything the food should be pre - plated and brought out so that it looks classy and there is only a little bit of everything on the plate!

Monday, December 20, 2010

A new take on life

Dear goodness how long has it been darlings?
the answer: too long!
I have decided to switch the blog up a little bit, this is because my life has sort of taken a different direction. While fashion is incredibly interesting and quite the art for and an exceptional means of expression; I have learned a lot about myself in recent months.

As crazy as this is about to sound I want to return to the classics. And no as cliché as this post is, I am not referring to literary classics. What I mean is life classics, or the classic way of life.

I am speaking of ediquitte, class and bringing the southern bell way of life up north!

speaking of up north, I am leaving Ottawa to go home tomorrow woohoo! and the alpha chapter of Delta Psi Delta starts recruitment soon!

I am almost finished our website as well!
very exciting!
Update again hopefully soon loves !

Friday, April 23, 2010


It appears that vintage is making a big come back, and yes I do know it has been for a while....
But, as of late it seems to be popping up everywhere I look!

This is very much style I have seen around campus for most of this semester, Kind of boyish and very modern, yet very vintage at the same time, add all those together and what do you get? = classic look

Keeping with Vintage a little 70's / 80's and a bit of pre- 90's Madonna mixed in there from Alice ...

A little Flapper here

A little hippie there

I think as long as you do Vintage and do it right no matter the era your style will surely stand out from the crowd!

~ Keep the world beautiful

Friday, April 9, 2010



I have had quite the interesting day let me tell you! but for now let me show you something much more interesting then my day!

some of you may have heard of her.....
this is my favorite illustrators Laura Laine

On a more fashionable note...

I am finding that Leopard print is very very in!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

the second coming

Hey loves,tis moi ces't vrai,
I hope you didn't put away those military jackets because I have news for you!

According to one of my favorite style watching sites they are a still in!

On a side note, I am very sorry I have not been posting as I had previously promised I would but I have become increasingly busy since I have been at school I can tell you that haha.

any ways the University I wound up at is Carleton University, not exactly the creme de la sais ha ha. mes je suis content ici,

I am taking global politics and that is and exclusive program...there are less than 20 in the whole university in this major!

but, if there is one thing I have learned about university it that it is not what people im

agine in any light!

as I sit here beside my boyfriend in the kitchen of his town house while his roomate is at the dinning table listening to classic rock and it softly resinates through the house, the smell of freshly cooked grill cheese wafts through the kitchen...I realize a couple of things

1. engineers are a curious species...(which half of the house is engineers and the other two are industrial design and a math major) they drink all night, worry about their exam and then piss the day away doing nothing, explain that to me?

2. you will find people will spend more time on sporcle a quiz site that quizes your knowledge on random facts, then they do study for their exams...I don't get the addiction myself but my roommates are also addicted I can peer into their rooms at any hour of the night and see them multi-tasking scorple and their essays lol..

as for me...I have concentration issues AKA I procrastinate I have distracted myself with my sorority this semester and it has been ever sooooo much fun ΔΨΔ <3>

keep the world beautiful

~ Lexie